Rotary Club


The project started with the involvement of a Rotarian spouse in supporting a school in Black River. As from this year the project will be led by a Rotarian with the help of spouses. It led to members’ realising how impossible it is to study on an empty stomach. With the support of suppliers and other sponsors, the Ministry of Education, school managers, parent/teachers associations (teachers and parents volunteer to prepare and distribute the breakfasts), Rotarians and spouses, ten years later nearly 1,400 pupils from underprivileged backgrounds in seven schools are served a decent breakfast every school day.

The seven schools, mainly in the suburbs of Port Louis, are Pointe Aux Sables Government School, Residence Vallijee Government School, La Briquetterie Government School, Serge Coutet Government School, Elsie Presle Government School, Marcel Cabon Govt school and Candos Government School. We look forward to start the project at Guy Rozemont Government School in Tranquebar, as from August 2024.

The feedback from the teachers and parents at these schools has been remarkable. There has been a clear improvement in the educational achievements of the children enrolled on our programme – and reduced rates of absenteeism. Children come to school on time – and even early – for breakfast, there are better academic and sports results, teachers are happy as children participate in class and assimilate lessons, and there are better relations between parents and school. Parents also feel they form part of the school, and mothers become its friends and allies. The community at large benefits. In the long run, there is a much greater likelihood that the children will be able to remove their families from the vicious circle of poverty passing down the generations.